Sacraments are important moments of encounter with God. Each sacrament requires some preparation so that there is knowledge and appreciation of what is being received. Please reach out directly to Erik Diaz in Religious Education department if you have particular questions about the process for receiving Baptism, First Communion, First Confession, and Confirmation. In general, sacramental preparation is outlined in the following way.
Children who are in 2nd grade through 12th grade with no prior faith formation prepare to celebrate the sacrament through our OCIA Adapted for Children Program. OCIA Adapted for Children is a two-year process and includes parent participation.
The First Holy Communion Program at Santa Cruz requires children to attend Religious Education for two consecutive years. Traditionally, children attend Religious Education in 1st grade and celebrate their First Confession and First Communion in 2nd grade.
Confirmation is celebrated in High School. Traditionally, 9th grade is Confirmation Year I and 10th grade is Confirmation Year II. In implementing requirements and guidelines, our goal is to assist the student in better preparing for and gaining a fuller understanding of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation preparation requires a retreat for year I and year II, a sponsor and student workshop in Year II, and the required documentation.
We offer an 11-week course for adults who have received the Sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church and are needing Communion and/or Confirmation. The class begins in January and August of each year.
The process by which an adult is baptized or welcomed into the Catholic Church is called the Order of Christian Initiation. This includes several stages marked by study and prayer to profess faith in Jesus and the Catholic Church and receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. Classes are 1-year from September-May on Thursday's from 7-9 PM.